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Repair PolicyUpdated 10 days ago

Luggage Repair

Our luggage is designed to be easily repaired when the unexpected happens.

If a repairable issue arises, we’ll gladly send replacement parts to your designated address along with detailed instructions, upon lodgement of a warranty claim.

If you no longer reside in your region of purchase, a shipping fee may apply. You may also be responsible for any customs fees or import taxes.

If you need to lodge a warranty claim, please contact our team.

Limited Edition Items

Please note that due to the exclusive nature of our limited-edition ranges, replacement parts may not match the original colour this will be advised upon the outcome of your claim.

Please note: 

  • Proof of purchase must be provided (ie. #GETJULY order number), without this we will not be able to process your claim. Cosmetic damage and general wear and tear from product use are not covered under our policies;
  • If you no longer reside in your region of purchase, please be aware that July does not cover shipping costs. July is not liable any customs fees or charges imposed by the courier;
  • Resolution options may vary depending on your location, itinerary, availability, etc. 
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