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Commonly Asked Questions

Is July's luggage within Airline Standards?

If it looks big, it is! It's been designed to maximise how much you can bring onto a plane with you. The Carry On is designed perfectly for most Australian and International airline standards. Airlines have hard linear dimension rules (all sides must

What is the difference between each Carry On?

Beginning with our very first Carry On Classic, we've since developed an entire collection of suitcases designed to suit your every cabin-side need!.

What is the difference between each Checked Luggage?

Our range continues to grow, as we now have an extensive range of luggage to fit all your Checked baggage needs!

Can I nest my luggage?

Our Classic and Light range has been designed so that each suitcase can be stowed inside perfectly for easy storage. This was done to also ensure that our shipping process can be streamlined. Less cartons, less shipping costs, less risk of being lost

Does it fit under the seat?

Our Carry All range is designed to to be the perfect cabin companion and the Weekender is especially designed to fit under the seat for more major airlines.

Does July have a contact number?

To contact the Customer Happiness Team for any existing order related enquires, please follow these steps. Our Customer Happiness Line is open from 9-5pm, Monday - Friday. How to contact Retail Store?. To contact one of our Retail Stores for any stoc

Power Bank Safety

When using your Power Bank, safety should always be a top priority. These batteries are compact and efficient, but they can pose risks if mishandled. Overcharging, extreme temperatures, or physical damage can lead to overheating, leakage, or even fir